VR for Education

The Future of Virtual Reality in the Workplace

vr workplace training

Virtual Reality technology has come a long way since its inception some time ago. Once considered a mere gaming novelty, VR is now making significant inroads into the business world. The concept of VR is pretty straightforward: a computer generates a realistic three-dimensional environment that users can experience through specialized headsets and devices.  Typically in The Future of Virtual Reality in the Workplace

A-Frame, Unity 3D, and VR Creation in the Classroom


When you think about the future, there is one technology that is certain to change just about every aspect of our lives including many of the industries that we rely upon. That technology is virtual reality. In order to make virtual reality beneficial to future industries like health care, manufacturing, law enforcement and more, you A-Frame, Unity 3D, and VR Creation in the Classroom

When Virtual Reality Meets Education


$1.46 Billion. This is the amount of money virtual reality (VR) startups have raised in venture capital, which even includes up to $100 million when it comes to funding. This news emerged during the last 4 consecutive quarters. Virtual reality had been walking around the edge of technology but didn’t really get any commercial adoption When Virtual Reality Meets Education

Virtual Reality in the Classroom: Extracurricular vs. Curriculum

Schools have been attempting to use crude versions of virtual reality since the 80’s, but in recent years we’ve seen it implemented quite successfully. With the price of VR dropping drastically and the quality improving, virtual reality classes could soon be a reality. VR isn’t just a gimmick either; immersive environments can help us to Virtual Reality in the Classroom: Extracurricular vs. Curriculum

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